K-Ramen Shopping Policy

Missing Product / OOS (Out of Stock) Policy

At K-Ramen.eu, we strive to give you the best possible shopping experience, including timely & complete delivery of your orders. However, we understand that sometimes things can go wrong, and a product may be missing from your order upon delivery.

In such cases, we will determine whether to replace the missing product or refund your money. Our decision will be based on the availability of the product and other relevant factors. If we decide to replace the product, we guarantee that it will be an identical or better product of the same or another equivalent brand. If the product is not available or out of stock, we will issue a refund for the amount paid for that product.

Please note that we may need to verify the missing product before taking any action, and we may request further information from you to facilitate the process. We kindly ask for your cooperation and understanding in this matter.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding a missing product or our policy for replacing or refunding missing products, please do not hesitate to contact us.


THT/BBD Product Policy

We try to provide you with the highest quality products at reasonable prices. However, we would like to bring your attention to the fact that some of our products have a notice THT/BBD (Best Before Date), which means that they are almost at their Best Before date or may have already passed it.

We want to emphasize that the responsibility for purchasing these products lies solely with the customer. We cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that may arise from the consumption of products that have exceeded their Best Before date.

We take great care to ensure that all products on our webshop are labeled with BBD / THT or the appropriate Best Before Date, and we recommend that customers pay close attention to these labels when making their purchase decisions. If you have any questions or concerns about a product's Best Before date or any other aspect of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Additionally, we would like to inform our customers that products with a notice THT/BBD cannot be refunded or exchanged. This is due to the fact that these products are sold at a reduced price due to their near or past Best Before date, and therefore, the sale is considered final.

We encourage our customers to be aware of this policy before purchasing products with a notice THT/BBD. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you for choosing K-Ramen.eu, and we appreciate your understanding of this policy.